“Out with the Old and In with the New”
Dear Ones, I have been made aware of the new energies that are bursting forth during this period until at least Christmas day and the main thing I can say is “Out with the Old and In with the New”.
We really do need to leave all that old junk behind now and continue moving Onwards and Upwards.
Remember a while ago I said that this Ascension Energy is coming to us in waves, this is to enable us to be able to take it on board and process it properly. It also gives us some time to rest and re-adjust before the next wave.
The changes that are occurring are not something that we can fully understand from out Human self, however it is still being absorbed into our Upper and Lower bodies even as we speak now. The Downloads coming to us between now and 25th Dec are very powerful and will only really be able to get through if we leave a fairly clear channel for them to traverse. This means continuing to let go of the Old and making a pathway for the New. When you become aware of the old stuff that is still clinging on, i.e. it keeps re manifesting for you. Try to just say to it what we did on the Ascension Workshop. That is take it on board but only to observe it and tell it that there is no longer a place for it in your Enlightened Consciousness and let it Go! There may be a few difficult days in this regard for some of us, but we need to keep our energy Positive, because we are all going to be a lot better off afterwards when we are more En- lightened.
So Onwards and Upwards My Friends and Enjoy this Holiday time with Joy and Cheer, knowing that this time around New Year Truly is just that.
Solstice Blessings to you All.