Bringing Light into the World _2021
So this is the season of us bringing Light into the world and some of us each year celebrate various ways to do this. There is the Jewish Chanukah, the “Festival of Lights”. Where for 8 nights and days a candle is lit.
Diwali which wiki states “Diwali symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance."
Also of Course Christian festivities, such as Christmas, which bring Light into the world.
As well as the Ancient Sun festivals that we now refer to as Pagan. These are usually in harmony with Natures Seasons and the Sun and Moons activities.
Here in the Northern hemisphere it is winter as well this time of year. Therefore, it gets dark earlier in the day and is usually a lot colder. It is usually a time to hunker down and stay warm and dry. A time when we need to contract and pull our energies in, ready to burst forth in the Spring.
I cannot find reference to a Muslim festival at this time of year relating to this. However, that does not mean that there is not one.
We can think about what we refer to as the Beginning of all things, “The Big Bang” or in Lurianic Kabbalah what we refer to as “Tzimtzum”, to help understand this process. One thing though that is obvious when we do think of all this is that. For us to Have LIGHT, we must First of Been in Darkness. If there is only Light at first we could then see the darkness after it became manifest. However what we read about in our literature of past thinking, tell us that Light was the Thing that was created in an already Dark existence.
Genesis states
1. “In the Beginning God created Heaven and the Earth.
2. Now the Earth was unformed and void, and Darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.
3. And God (Elohim) said: “Let There be LIGHT” And there was Light.
4. And God saw the Light that it was good; and God divided the Light from the Darkness”.
So most of us, cannot and do not fully understand all that is meant or implied in these verses above, however it is stated that First there was Darkness.
One reason I am going over this point is to stress that Darkness does not equate to evil, bad, or negative on its own. It is very true that we always, me included at times, use this term to describe the negative aspects especially relating to our lives. It is in fact “The Absence of Light”, and as such does not know any better than that, until Light has been introduced into it. Ok so this is all very deep and needless to say will take a lot of pondering if you so wish.
The most important thing here though is to harmonise with the fact that we need to remember the Light during the Darkness. This being even more important now in these days of such a Fear Based World. We can all play our part by sending Love and Light into our Worlds. By stepping back from being drawn into any negativity and darkness that others may wish to propagate. By doing good deeds and helping those that come across your path and ask for assistance.