Lunar Eclipse Clearing..
AA Seraphiel
There is a connection with your Spiritual and Physical bodies, so one effect the other. You must be in Gratitude, be thankful you are Alive. You have your Health, you are in a safe place, and you have food. If you are alive, you can change everything that you are not easy with. You also need to realise that whatever you are going through at any moment is to take you to the place and time you need to be in. Therefore, if something happens you think is bad for you remember that this is happening so that one day you will have Ascended. You pretty much laid out the path of this life when you came in and know inside your higher self what you want to achieve.
There is a saying in earth about omelettes, listen to that. Sometimes we need to do certain things or Have Certain Things happen to us, in order for another thing to happen later in your timeline.
Whatever challenges come to you, always stay in your Heart, try to be Grateful and give thanks you are guided and will succeed. Be Joyous even in hours of turmoil and always GIVE THANKS.
Just Connected with Archangel SERAPHIEL, he is a SERAPHIM but we still refer to Him, as an Archangel. I only found out before my last workshop that I was allowed to communicate with Him and am still in Awe. Because of Archangel SERAPHIEL’S Energy and Vibration, it is not easy to stay connected for long and about 5 minutes is usually tops. I was asking about what we are facing at and around the Lunar Eclipse on the 27th July, and although It is all good News, I know that it will also or can also be quite a challenging time for some if not all of us.
The Good News is( I do like to do the good news bad news thing) that we are presently going through a Massive Shift in our Consciousness and Understanding of Who we are and What we are now capable of Being. After this phase, we will all be Lighter, more in tune and Attuned. There will be nothing that we cannot achieve if the motives are correct.
The Bad News is, You cannot make an Omelette without breaking eggs. Therefore for us to continue evolving we need to shed a few skins, let go a few old hurts, clear away finally, the hurts that have been so painful in our pasts that we have buried them away deep down in our consciousness. Well this Lunar Eclipse is going to help us all to do this. So firstly remember to Be Grateful for of all this WTFh is happening (See earlier YouTube). If we really want to be 5th Dimensional beings then we have to evolve. For any that think , oh I can kop out and forget this Ascension Business now and just hide in my corner and let life just pass me bye again. Just forget it because it does not work like this. You already decided to do this before being born this time around and this is the Path you have to take. So stay in Gratitude, stay in your Heart and in the Love. We are all so Blessed to be here in this time of Ascension. So stay Positive and remember if things do get a bit heavy at times, we have friends like us, who understand what we are going through. Do not be afraid to ask for guidance, assistance, or just a shoulder if needed. I personally am here to Serve because that is just the wayitis…