Wayitis - Ascension Guidance and Healing
Because this is just the WAYITIS!
Welcome to our site, our purpose is to assist people in Ascension Guidance and Healing. I have been guided to put this together as we all really need to be aware of just what is going on in this moment in space and time. The Dawning of a New Age. I have been helping people who are embarking on their Spiritual Awakening for well over 40 years and continue to guide all those looking to understand their Own Personal Spiritual Journey.
Praise be to God's Agents who arranged for President Trumps life to be saved. I have to say that as a UK citizen I have no say in whats happening across the pond. That doesn't mean it is none of my business as we are so linked to the USA. Personally I was very unsure about Mr Trump before he became president. Even Worried when he was President because of all the sabre rattling. He never actually started a war though and was instrumental in one of the greatest achievements I have seen in the Middle East, namely the Abraham Accords. However when I was guided to write these web pages for Wayitis by Archangels in 2016-17. I was told this. See Below....
What happened to allow Brexit and President Trump to Happen?
It’s just the Wayitis, if we really want the Truth to finally be told we first have to be honest with ourselves. We need to vote with the Heart and not the Greed that has all so often been offered to us by Political Organisations who put Money and Power before People.
So without a doubt in my mind it was obvious that this Man was needed to help us all to See the Light. It shouldn't matter which way you traditionally vote only that we Understand that Everything that is Happening is to Enable Us to be Whom we Need to Be.
At the end of 2023 we started a new phase as we entered the Golden Age of Spiritual First, Human Beings. My Guidance has been advising me of this time for quite a while now and finally it is here. All things related to us as Humans as well as the Societies that we live in and the way we are going to live in them will now be changing and all for our betterment.
Most of what we have been noticing as Chaos in our Worlds at present are being used as a Means to an End. To Bring about the Changes we have been awaiting for many years. From Chaos to Harmony in fact.
A lot of the madness will be used to bring Sanity for all our Futures and only through the seeing of this mayhem are we going to be ready to finally make the necessary changes. Or as my Guides often tell me. "You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs".
This New Age is Now upon us, for more information see my video on "The Great Awakening" on You Tube. Also my more recent videos there that will help us to better harmonise with the great changes that are now occurring for us. Yes the Great Awakening is Now, starting from January 1st 2024. Although of course these events can take years or even lifetimes to actually change. My Guidance is though that the changes from January 2024 will be very noticeable for those on their Ascension Journey as well as Others who have indeed raised their Vibration.
We are finally becoming what I was told about in 2018 that is Human Beings, Being Human. The main reason for us becoming this is because we are having new Strands as well as previously used Strands of DNA Opening now.
For those that are just Awakening to their Spiritual Being see my Course on Spritual Awakening (Special Offer for remainder of July 50% off.) as well as Guidance on our Patreon Pages.
I will be putting a lot more of this type of information on our BainClan Patreon Site. There will be some valuable information for free, but mostly for affordable monthly subscriptions. There are tiers to suit each budget here so have a look and if this resonates then you are supporting our work and indeed a part of it.
Of Late it has become apparent just how many people are waking up to these ideas of the Great Changes coming our way now. Spiritual radiations coming our way are actually, what is behind all of this. The changes that are helping Humankind become what it has always been meant to BE. Yes, we are made in Gods image; there is a great part of us that is finally being allowed to be shown to us. A part that will enable us to change the way Humans live and breathe going Onwards and Upwards.
I recently put a You Tube Video out, called "Vernal Equinox 2024-Time 4 the NewU" .This was at the Spring Equinox 2024. It is all about us, as we embrace Our NewU starting at this Equinox. It includes a short and very powerful Meditation around 9 minutes in. This method will indeed accelerate your ability to welcome in your NewU.To prepare us for the great changes that are now occuring and to help in the Understanding of things in our World.
Look in "Messages" on the left, to connect to some of the earlier messages from These Beings of Light and Love through me. The more recent channelled messages are now exclusively put out on our Patreon Pages.
My most recent transmissions have been advising that they like others are here to assist us in ours and Gaia's Ascension. This also because of the effect that these events will and indeed are having on the Universe. We need to always remember that everything is connected there is no separation as we are all One. That is Us as Beings as well as Logos such as Gaia and Others and Beings of Light and Love. Whatever affects one effects us all, so it is imperative for us to keep this in mind.
So I am a guide not a teacher, and I can help some of you find just what you are looking for and what is missing. Come and try a one on one Session with me to receive Archangel Metatron Healing as well as Guidance for your Ascension Journey. Email me for more details.
The Healing can also Help you in Finding Your "True Life’s Purpose". By assisting you in Connecting to your Higher Self. Helping you by bringing more Joy and Contentment into your Life each day. This is achieved by the Alignment of Body, Mind and Higher Self, which also results in Well Being. As Humans, we are supposed to be living each day in Joy. One of the goals of this Healing is to enable people to "Love the Life they Live" and "Live the Life they Love"
By way of a demonstration I have recently added my "Healing Alignment" video onto The Bain Clan You Tube channel. This is to help those that may benefit from this at this time. It is only a taster so if you need to get a full Zoom Session with me please have a look at the Healing Page (top left).
You Tube Videos
Also the most recent videos are assisting in this such as "We're All One, of a Kind". Some interesting views in this so please do have a listen and do watch to the end as there is an important message there too.
It has been two years since the following videos where put out. However they are just as valuable today as then so have a look.
"Keep the Fear out of Ear" please have a look and see if this helps in these times of so much Fear in the world. It is about sending Love and Light into the World and not feeding the Darkness through Fear.
Also, "A Little bit of Light" I Believe that it is probably one of the most important messages I have put out for quite a while to be honest. Please have a look and see if you agree? Beacause "It Only takes a little bit of Light to make a Dark World Bright".
There is a link on the top left of the page to this sites Youtube list also here is TheBainClan You Tube Channel with a full listing of our videos.
N.B. Have a look at Our website TheBainClan.uk Have a look and see all the extra things that are on offer there, as you may find just what you have been looking for, such as:
Crystals for sale, How To's, Meditations for adults and children. Karin’s fantastic E-Book of Crystal Nets and much more......