The Journey
The Ascension Journey
This Journey can sometimes seem to be Endless as we walk along the corridor of our Lives.

Although we are Finally beginning to see the LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel.
The Light that is going to change Us and Our World into the Earthly Paradise that was Once Promised.

I must add here that the road ahead though ending at out Promised Destination may not always be an Easy One. I always remember my Dear Friend Rosemary Larbalestier (GRHS) giving a talk called "Stones in my Shoes”. In a fabulous concise talk Rosemary described how the further along the Spiritual Path you go, the narrower the Path gets. Getting harder and more challenging as you go. Then just as you are getting used to balancing better along this Path, You become aware of the Stones in your Shoes...need I say anymore. Those walking the Path for the correct reasons will always bounce back from the greater challenges and will learn how to Embrace them and help them, move you in the right direction. The Place you need to be Now!